2010年4月14日 星期三

[勁舞年代] Sunny-Boney.M

還記的以前小時後常常到外公的工地去玩。外公的辦公室裡面有台很大的"Sunsui"山水牌四聲道音響,有著四個至少1米高的大喇吧。當時的音響可沒有啥CD,用的是大張的LP黑膠唱片和匣式錄音帶。 當時國小三,四年級的我超喜歡玩那台音響的,每次到工地第一件事就是去打開它。看著唱針滑過黑色的唱片,居然就有美妙的音樂出現,實在是很新奇。當時外公有很多張唱片,日本演歌啦,還有什麼銀霞劉福助的我都不愛聽。印象最深的就是一張Disco舞曲的唱片我最常放來聽。小學時期根本聽不懂再唱啥,只是覺得音樂很輕快很好聽。尤其是第一首歌開頭就是有人在唱"啥咧~~啥咧~~"。後來長大,外公的音響也不知道哪去了,我也忘了有這首歌的存在。直到某天亂轉著電視,剛好看到周星馳長江七號的片尾(p.s.我還未完整看過此片),天阿這背景音樂不就正是"啥咧"嗎?!趕緊上網google了一下,原來正是Boney M.的"Sunny"

Boney M. - Sunny

Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.
The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here,
My sunny one shines so sincere.
Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet.
Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way.
You gave to me your all and all.
Now I feel ten feet tall.
Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, thank you for the truth you let me see.
Sunny, thank you for the facts from a to z.
My life was torn like a windblown sand,
And the rock was formed when you held my hand.
Sunny one so true, I love you.


Sunny, thank you for the smile upon your face.
Sunny, thank you for the gleam that shows it's grace.
You're my spark of nature's fire,
You're my sweet complete desire.
Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.
The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here,
My sunny one shines so sincere.
Sunny one so true, I love you.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.



Boney M. 並非Sunny的原唱,根據Wiki的資料第一位錄製此曲的是日本藝人,發表後也被許多藝人翻唱過,不過編曲大多是走soft rock風。1976年德國團體Boney M.把它改編成disco版本之後讓這首歌又成為了當年的勁歌金曲。

